Br. Ross Henley, OFM Cap.
Hometown: Loudonville, Ohio
Age: 30
Before Becoming a Friar: "After studying math at Franciscan University of Steubenville I spent a couple years working as a civilian for the Department of the Army doing cost analysis. I was living just outside of D.C. where I met the Capuchins while volunteering with the Missionaries of Charity. Their joyful and humble presence resounded with me as I was searching for the direction God was calling me to pursue in life."
Why I'm a Capuchin: "In short, the Capuchin way of life seems to be a good fit for me—it has helped foster a deeper relationship with God and seems to be a life in which I can find joy and fulfillment. The values of St. Francis and the Capuchin order, such as contemplative prayer, minority and fraternity, speak deeply to me, and I am inspired by this community of brothers who embody these values in various ways and call me beyond my own comfortability and complacency."