Br. André Repucci, OFM Cap.
Hometown: Youngstown, Oh
Age: 37
Before Becoming a Friar: "Before I came to Capuchin life I was an actor in Thailand for three years doing sitcom work and some drama shows. I also did commercial work for various products such as Dentyne, Goodyear, and Sunsilk Shampoo. I also did a four year stint in the US Air Force."
Why I'm a Capuchin: "What inspires me to Capuchin life is a strong pull from God. I started to realize that my own willing it was not enough. Willing the call and getting pulled by God go hand in hand. It's what keeps me motivated and also following the Holy Spirit and listening to Him intently with my whole heart has made a difference during my time in discernment. Taking that to prayer each and everyday has been the driving force in my life."